But this week I have felt alone. Inescapably alone. It is the weirdest thing. It has caught me completely off guard and has left me wondering why it has come. I have weighed my relationships and found them to be sweet and encouraging and impossibly the cause.
But there it has been. Lingering on the outskirts. Bringing me close when things get quiet and the busyness subsides. This feeling of being alone.
So, I have mustered through and quite honestly ignored the feeling altogether. Refusing to let it have any affect on me. Until today.
Today, as I was reading about what Christ has done. To cover me. To love me. To save me. I read a very familiar passage for this time of Holy Week, Isaiah 53. As I allowed this passage to wash over my (apparently) lonely heart, I stumbled straight into verse 5, which is all too common to me. A verse I love, but rarely pause to meditate upon.
"But he was pierced for our rebellion,
crushed for our sins.
He was beaten so we could be whole.
He was whipped so we could be healed."
"Whole." There it was.
The power of Christ, the Son of the living God, to make me WHOLE. Astounding. That was God's plan all along y'all. To make us whole. Complete. Lacking nothing.
Through the greatest of sacrifices. Through the most radical of gifts. That we might know life.
Now, I don't know that this solves my feelings of loneliness. In fact, I would bet those feelings will arrive at my doorstep again. But, I know that the Lord allowed me to see His sacrifice with a different set of eyes today because of a feeling I seemingly should not have. But I do. And I am thankful on this day to be made whole by the beaten and broken and resurrected and living Christ.