Monday, October 27, 2014

Pumpkins and hatchets and such

October in Texas is an interesting phenomenon.

Texas has quite the sense of humor when it comes to her seasons. She taunts you with cool mornings, making you hopeful that a crisp and invigorating Fall has begun, only to change her mind mid-way through the day, offering the same ol' warmth we have experienced all the summer through.

Nonetheless, Fall is a favorite of mine. Friends and fair days and the brief inhale of cooler temperatures and scarves (oh the scarves) and boots and pumpkins of every shade and size and reminders to give thanks and football basketball and the changing of the leaves (kind of) and just an overall welcomed change of heartbeat and breath and rhythm. It is so needed in my year.

But more than all of those things there is a multitude of celebration in the Fall. There is this sweet little collection of loved ones who found life in October. And they are dear to my heart and imperative to my everyday. And it is so very refreshing and life-giving to celebrate each one of them.

You see, in the first week of October we get to celebrate our sweetest sister-in-law. She is such an extraordinary person and has been so much fun to get to know. She made her way into our hearts long before she married into them. She is the picture of strength in difficult times (of which there have been many) and finds the positive in almost any circumstance. I am astounded by her perseverance and support for her husband and family in all things. Her time as a mother has proven to only compliment her further as she has loved her sweet babies well and goes before me as an example of what that kind of love looks like. So celebrating Jasmine is easy to do. She makes the Crumby clan better and for that we celebrate.

As we round the corner into week two of October, we get to celebrate the one and only Sharon Crumby. That lady. Where do you even start? She is a hoot. There is no getting around that. There is a reason my husband finds the joy in laughter. His momma taught him well. From her "helpful hints" to her funny quips, she is hilarious through and through. But we celebrate her for more than her funny words. Because she is one of the most giving, sacrificial people we know. We talk about it all the time. It is truly astounding the lengths she would go to care for those she loves. It is inspiring. I hope I can give the way she does. With time. And finances. And life. So we celebrate our favorite Shay (at least as much as she'll let us). And it is so good and so minimal compared to what is deserved.

Exactly one week later, my mom becomes our celebration. And honestly, this one stumps me every year. Because how do you show someone who has inserted so many good and beautiful things into your life how truly celebrated they are? Because she is so many things we hope to be. And the funny thing is she might not even see those things in herself. We celebrate because she is wise and practical and joyful in her giving and strives to always be better and more and never stop growing in her faith. And because she allows us to be who we are and supports us in it all. She is the greatest cheerleader there is. She loves by remembering. Remembering little pieces of you. The things you enjoy. The things you desire (big or small). The things you wish for with all your being. And so on the 18th of October, we attempt to give a bit of that back in celebration. To remember her desires and plans and wishes and hopes. Even if it could never be enough.

In the final week of this fun Fall month, we get to celebrate two of our sweetest friends. And it is a reminder of how important community is. That it should be celebrated with all our might and in all opportunities.

On the 26th we get to celebrate Courtney. We celebrate her as the most positive person around. She can see the light in any situation. Joy just tags alongside her wherever she goes. Like her shadow. It is inescapable and so deeply celebrated on her day. And she is celebrated because she is life-giving. She desires to know and see and feel right alongside you. No matter the current circumstance or trouble. And this year was hard because our celebrations were not in person. The squeezing and laughing and eating and instagraming were not what they have been. But can I tell you as hard as that was for all involved, my heart was filled with rejoicing all day for my sweet friend's life. There were not many moments yesterday where she was not on my mind and celebration was not spilling from my spirit. Because in a season where celebration looks a bit more distant and different, there is this sweet little reminder that overflows into rejoicing every time in comes to mind.

The Lord is so very good.

He covers the distance. He covers the difference. He allows for celebration in all seasons and in all things. Because He is so darn good. So we celebrated you, sweet Courtney. We celebrated your heart and your friendship and your life and your decision to step into where the Lord has called your family. Distance or not, we celebrated you.

And then just a few days later (tomorrow, in fact), we get to celebrate our friend Kollin(face). We celebrate him as a lifelong friend. As a friend for all seasons. As a friend with the best kind of laugh and the deepest kind of heart. As someone who believes in those he loves. We have seen it time and time again. He is quick to defend those who need a little defending. Who need a little encouraging. We celebrate his love and knowledge of all things sports and his quick wit and his determination to truly live into who the Lord has made him to be. We celebrate his love for Remes and his quirky love for his yard. It is so good to celebrate someone who is such a reminder of how life can weave in and out and thread in all different directions but somehow still connect you to friendship. So we celebrate our fun Kollin(face). Hatchets and all.

And this year we have added one more to our month of celebrations. The tiniest additions sometimes are the very sweetest I've come to find. And my heart leaps for joy at the thought of celebrating this new little friend each year. Seeing him grow (but not too fast) and learn and become a little dude. And this month has been such a fun one as we celebrate sweet weeks of life with this little man. We celebrate the tiniest milestones. And it is so very joyful and welcomed. So we celebrate you too, little Samuel Neil. We love you for all that you already are and celebrate that you have entered into this little family of October fun. We have been waiting to celebrate you and are so glad you are here.

October is a fun one. It is a good month. And my hope is that it always serves as a reminder of how to celebrate those around you. See them for all their good. For all there is to love. And to hope for their future and celebrate not simply the life already lived but that which is to come. People need that. And October is a good time for it. To breathe deep. And just celebrate.

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